Tag Archives: self-preservation

Beating the Odds: The Bloggess Interview

Anti-Boredom month wouldn’t be complete without a visit from one of the funniest bloggers out there – Jenny, the Bloggess. I first discovered her with her transgendered Lego piece and am delighted to hear that she has a book in the works (with an agent already and everything!) and writes columns in newspapers. But life isn’t all fun and blogging. Even the Bloggess has suffered from Someday Syndrome…

Jenny the BloggessWho: Jenny, the Bloggess
Jenny is a broken woman who exercises most of her demons by writing nonsense and completely offensive blogs and columns.

Name one moment in your life when you threw a pity party for yourself and the reasons why you felt you weren’t able to achieve your goals. Were you feeling stuck? Had you felt you failed? What wasn’t working in your life?
I always wanted to be a mom first and foremost but I found out that I have a rare blood disease and ended up having many miscarriages. I blamed myself because I thought if I was a better person, or found the right religion or prayed the right way that maybe my children would have survived.

Even our lowest moments fulfill a need in us or express our desires. When you threw yourself that pity party, what did you hope to gain? What need did you fulfill?
It was self-preservation for me. I couldn’t function so I just hid away and refused to talk to anyone but my husband. I wanted to pretend it wasn’t happening.

Tell us what you did to break up the pity party. What actions did you decide to take? Did someone help you buoy your spirits? Push you along?
I decided to fight and I tried all the experimental drugs. The one that finally worked involved about 600 blood-thinner injections in my stomach. It helped to have friends and family who could help me laugh about it when my stomach turned into a patchwork quilt of bruises.

Can you look back on that moment and tell us how you felt when you did decide to take action? What results came about from your decision to take charge and move on?
I felt strong…like I’d finally gained back some control in my life. A year later I had my beautiful daughter, Hailey.

Everyone has a Someday problem hiding deep inside, even little ones. What variety of the Someday Syndrome do you currently harbor? What would you like to achieve but haven’t yet?
I’ve been trying to write a book for 10 years and I still haven’t finished it.

Examining your Someday Syndrome problem, what are you currently doing to resolve it and eliminate it from your life?
I’ve set goal for myself and I’ve asked my agent to yell at me weekly if I don’t hit my weekly deadline of pages. I don’t think that syndrome will ever be completely eliminated but I’m trying to find a way to work around it.

Many people suffer the same problems you do. You’re not alone, and neither are they. What would you tell people in your situation right now to help them avoid what you’re going through?
Have confidence in yourself. The thing that holds me back the most is the doubt I have that I’m a good enough writer. Find someone who can tell you that you’re good enough. Or drink a lot. I do both of those.

If you could ask for one thing, right now, to help you overcome your Someday Syndrome, what type of help would you ask for?
Encouragement. I’m constantly berating myself all day. I need encouragement to counter all the bad things I say to myself.

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